Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Valentine's Day was come from St. Valentine who was said to be the priest and live in 270 A.D under the ruler of king Claudius II of Rome and it signifies also the Roman god of Love Cupid or Eros in Greek Mythology.

February 14, suppose to be the day for love, love for families, and love for friends and most importantly is love for couple or special someone. But what if you don’t have this special someone? Would you still celebrate the day?

There is nothing wrong to celebrate the Valentine’s Day whether you’re single or not. It is not the end of the world. And even if you won’t celebrate the day it couldn’t be called bitterness.  There are families and friends to be with. You don’t need special someone just to celebrate the heart day.

This coming February 14 let us celebrate the day of love with love, whether we are single or ready to mingle :). We just have to remember that if there is love (for special someone) it can wait. It will come in the right time and in the right place.


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