Tuesday, January 28, 2014



First, what is rally and freedom of expression?
Rally = to call together for a common purpose; assemble:
Freedom of expression = right to express one's ideas and opinions freely through speech, writing, and other forms of communication but without deliberately causing harm to others' character and/or reputation by false or misleading statements. 

            By the enlightenment of those meaning we can see that what happened regarding with the commotion between the administration and the Supreme Student Council of Marikina Polytechnic College is not really a rally but a freedom of expression. Mr. Jhon Clifford Bisol as the president of SSC together with his officers went to the guardhouse to ask the guard why they did not allowed students who wore black and red shirt in the wash day.  As one of the duties of being the students’ president Mr. Bisol tried to help his co-students. But on that day he did not succeed because of the close minded administration.

My opinion regarding with these matters, we are in one institution and as one we are suppose to help each other and not to be enemy. I view this institution as political because this institution is handled by communist dictator(s). A good example will be the FREEDOM WALL the wall should be where the students and teachers posted what she/he want to say to students or the students to teacher or even the admin but why that there is a guard to ‘guard’ the wall and tear off the posted papers or banner against the administration or even to those teacher who are pro-administration. By that action where is the freedom? And what is the use of the so-called freedom wall if the students and the teacher don’t have the freedom to post what she/he wanted to say.

 we respect your rights you should respect ours too..

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