Wednesday, January 29, 2014

How did I save life

Last November 4, 2013 is one of the greatest days I had experienced in 2013. This was the year where I volunteered to donate my blood. It was my first time and I had no idea of what to do.

I got this idea of donating my blood when I was taken as a volunteer of Jollibee SM Masinag to assist the Red Cross volunteers in their “blood donation campaign” in St. Therese Parish Church in front of SM Masinag.

At first I was thinking to go to Red Cross center in Marikina to voluntarily donate my blood but at that moment no one accompanied me and it is a bit father from where I was. I was in the school campus assessing my registration form. So I decided to go to the nearest hospital which is the AMANG Rodrigues hospital. But before your blood is taken you will pass through some tests, form to fill up and answer the questions from the staff. Those steps are done to know if you’re healthy and qualified to donate.

I was qualified when those tests are done and while I was injected by huge needle I felt a bit pain. But the pain will immediately go thinking that you will save peoples life by donating your blood. By donating blood you don’t just help others life it also cleanse your blood circulation for better health because I believe that health is wealth.

This coming February I am planning to do it again but this time it will be on the Red Cross center. So I’m encouraging you all to join me and let’s volunteer to save life and be a hero. :)

Mobile to Shot

What is your favorite mobile phone to shot? Are you looking for the popularity or the quality?
One of the best android phones to use and good to be partner is the product of kata digital. My partner is kata iDroid S. I love this mobile phone because it suited my needs as a student and as a gadget lover. I honestly not after the familiarity of the name but into the quality of what my partner can give.
Being a student my partner have an application that I need and I want. From downloadable applications which are really help me a lot to the already installed applications really gives me a helping hand.

My partner is convenient to use, it fitted my hand that even if I am walking while texting it really work. The cameras are awesome, the size and even the weight.
For more info regarding with the phone please visit

Best Spot to Shot

Masbate is the rodeo capital of the Philippines. It is the cattle producer not just in Luzon also in Visayas and Mindanao.

But wait there’s more. :)

Masbate doesn’t just offer cattle’s, beautiful islet, grand sceneries and festival but it also rich in natural resources and its BEACHES.
One of Masbate’s prides is the beaches, from white sand to the crystal clear water.  So I am encouraging you folk to discover more hidden paradise of Masbate. And you won’t just like it but you will love it.

The newest Miss International Bea rose Satiago is a product of Masbate.



As a movie lover I am not just look for the good looking characters but how the movie gives an impact to the viewers. The impact that not just the best acting that the characters are projecting but the message of what the movie wanted to say.

One of my favorite movies in 2013 is the horror type titled Carrie. The story of a high school girl named CARRIE WHITE who has an ability to move things using her mind or called TELEKINETIC. Carrie was a simple teenager who is being outcast by her peers and doesn’t have an idea of having a menstrual as a part of being a woman. She was raised alone by her deeply religious mother. When she was born her mother tried to kill her thinking that she is a devil baby.

Carrie ignored those thoughts as she grew up because she loves her mother. When Carrie entered high school her journey being having a special talent begun. As high school prom is the best event ever. She was escorted by the boyfriend of one of the causes of her journey being a high school girl.  They were chosen to be the prom queen and king and right after they coroneted a pale of blood falls straight to Carrie’s head that turn her white gown into bloody. After minutes of incident her partner died hit by the pale when it falls directly to his head. Upon seeing her partner laid in the floor of blood breathless Carrie unleashes her control that drives her to take revenge to those who made the plan.

She knew right that then who did such thing, the friends and the campus sassy girl named Chris Hargensen. The prom end up killing the two suspects mainly the sassy girl and her boyfriend who ran away after the incident. The movie end up with Carrier destroyed their house together with her and her mother.

The movie shows a strong character of Carrie. The effect was amazing and worthy to be watched over and over again. The spectacular of every scene are worth to remember, and it will surely hold your breath till it is done

Tuesday, January 28, 2014



First, what is rally and freedom of expression?
Rally = to call together for a common purpose; assemble:
Freedom of expression = right to express one's ideas and opinions freely through speech, writing, and other forms of communication but without deliberately causing harm to others' character and/or reputation by false or misleading statements. 

            By the enlightenment of those meaning we can see that what happened regarding with the commotion between the administration and the Supreme Student Council of Marikina Polytechnic College is not really a rally but a freedom of expression. Mr. Jhon Clifford Bisol as the president of SSC together with his officers went to the guardhouse to ask the guard why they did not allowed students who wore black and red shirt in the wash day.  As one of the duties of being the students’ president Mr. Bisol tried to help his co-students. But on that day he did not succeed because of the close minded administration.

My opinion regarding with these matters, we are in one institution and as one we are suppose to help each other and not to be enemy. I view this institution as political because this institution is handled by communist dictator(s). A good example will be the FREEDOM WALL the wall should be where the students and teachers posted what she/he want to say to students or the students to teacher or even the admin but why that there is a guard to ‘guard’ the wall and tear off the posted papers or banner against the administration or even to those teacher who are pro-administration. By that action where is the freedom? And what is the use of the so-called freedom wall if the students and the teacher don’t have the freedom to post what she/he wanted to say.

 we respect your rights you should respect ours too..


Valentine's Day was come from St. Valentine who was said to be the priest and live in 270 A.D under the ruler of king Claudius II of Rome and it signifies also the Roman god of Love Cupid or Eros in Greek Mythology.

February 14, suppose to be the day for love, love for families, and love for friends and most importantly is love for couple or special someone. But what if you don’t have this special someone? Would you still celebrate the day?

There is nothing wrong to celebrate the Valentine’s Day whether you’re single or not. It is not the end of the world. And even if you won’t celebrate the day it couldn’t be called bitterness.  There are families and friends to be with. You don’t need special someone just to celebrate the heart day.

This coming February 14 let us celebrate the day of love with love, whether we are single or ready to mingle :). We just have to remember that if there is love (for special someone) it can wait. It will come in the right time and in the right place.


Sunday, January 26, 2014


The Experienced of the Inexperience Love

What is love?
According to Miriam Webster
: A feeling of strong or constant affection for a person
: Attraction that includes sexual desire: the strong affection felt by people who have a romantic relationship
: A person you love in a romantic way
According to
A deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude toward a person, such as that arising from kinship, recognition of attractive qualities, or a sense of underlying oneness

According to Oxford dictionary
A strong feeling of affection and sexual attraction for someone

Those definitions give me a literal idea of what really love is. But I’m looking for this kind of love which people talked, laugh and fight till death, a kind of love which sent somebody to the hospital. A kind of love which everyone could not find in dictionaries.  Have you experienced this kind of love? A love for special someone that you want to die for, you want to with for the rest of your life? What a poetic thought don’t you think?

Me, I never experience such thing, what I experienced are love of families, friends and self. I had been to relationships. I courted several ladies, and had boyfriends as in BOYFRIENDS but none of them could give me the right definition of what really love is. They

I thought it is a kind of delicacy because everyone is starved for it, a hunger game which the price is LOVE. Is the god of love CUPID will hate me for this? Or is he would strike me with his arrow to show me what that love is. Just like Mariah Carey’s song “I wanna know what love is”.

I asked my friends “for you what is love”, they laughed at me then they answered “it is when someone give you happiness, someone that will give you views in life”. As they answer I saw the happiness in their eyes. I don’t want to be hypocrite or bitter in love but I will wait for that someone to come. To answer me the questions I want to ask.