Sunday, January 26, 2014


The Experienced of the Inexperience Love

What is love?
According to Miriam Webster
: A feeling of strong or constant affection for a person
: Attraction that includes sexual desire: the strong affection felt by people who have a romantic relationship
: A person you love in a romantic way
According to
A deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude toward a person, such as that arising from kinship, recognition of attractive qualities, or a sense of underlying oneness

According to Oxford dictionary
A strong feeling of affection and sexual attraction for someone

Those definitions give me a literal idea of what really love is. But I’m looking for this kind of love which people talked, laugh and fight till death, a kind of love which sent somebody to the hospital. A kind of love which everyone could not find in dictionaries.  Have you experienced this kind of love? A love for special someone that you want to die for, you want to with for the rest of your life? What a poetic thought don’t you think?

Me, I never experience such thing, what I experienced are love of families, friends and self. I had been to relationships. I courted several ladies, and had boyfriends as in BOYFRIENDS but none of them could give me the right definition of what really love is. They

I thought it is a kind of delicacy because everyone is starved for it, a hunger game which the price is LOVE. Is the god of love CUPID will hate me for this? Or is he would strike me with his arrow to show me what that love is. Just like Mariah Carey’s song “I wanna know what love is”.

I asked my friends “for you what is love”, they laughed at me then they answered “it is when someone give you happiness, someone that will give you views in life”. As they answer I saw the happiness in their eyes. I don’t want to be hypocrite or bitter in love but I will wait for that someone to come. To answer me the questions I want to ask.

1 comment:

  1. Love really brings happiness. But if you are not sure who to love between a girl and a boy, it won’t bring happiness but a disaster.

    In God’s perfect time your partner in life will come. Choose between a man or a woman, be sure of what you feel.
